Under 'mining' trust for power!
Like many simple minded people who in India live more on hope than facts, I too felt that BJP was 'different' or at least they had vowed to make a 'difference' from the shady Congress-JDS types in Karnataka...
The warning signs were there to prove me wrong all the way but I tended to gloss over them deliberately giving them a soft corner in my heart...
Then came the Mining kings, called in Kannada as "Gani dore" , who had pumped in money for Elections ensuring victories in God knows how many constituencies... and now all they wanted was pay-back...their pound of flesh was demanded in the most shameless fashion yet seen in BJP annals or in the checkered political history of the State.
Arm twisting techniques coupled with 'Resort politics' was enacted out in the most undignified way possible in front of a stunned, flood-battered state.
Yeddyurapa stood exposed as the man who 'took from them' when it suited, and now 'refused to give'! The Reddys wanted nothing but the heads to roll...
Fiery words and false hopes ensued from both the embattled parties and the scene shifted to Dilli Durbar for show-down...
And what a poor show it turned out to be with the BJP Leadership acquiescing to most of the repulsive and rampantly corrupt demands of Reddys for 'benefits in their backyard'...
Tears were all Yeddy had for the people of the state as a disgraceful and unbelievable patch up was acted out purely for media benefit and gullible public consumption...
Reddys and their coterie of chosen IAS, IPS men will now rule over their Districts with impunity and gay abandon...
Jai Karnataka mathe...A Great gift for the Rajyotsava month...
How long will this unholy truce last , only time will tell...