Mamata or Karuna...No love lost already?
Look at the names...Mamata and Karuna, the names of the undisputed winners belonging to UPA from two states which had no hesitation in giving them a free reign of the next 5 years of their collective destiny!
Mamata and Karuna both mean the same thing...Compassion, love, camaraderie...something like that...
If only names were true indicators of their behaviour and character, Manmohan would have been 'sing(h)ing' a different tune by now...
But belying all expectations exhorted by their names and meanings, the greedy allies are pushing for maximum pound of flesh without any karuna or mamata to each other or to the beleaguered congress!
From TN, the DMK patriarch is behaving as if there is a single point agenda of sending all his children and kith and kin to the Union cabinet , believing that it is his 'berth' right for having trampled upon Amma's two leaves and gotten the Congress a few seats in his State! In fact they 'engineered' a miraculous recovery and win for Chidu in Sivaganga...He was trailing behind ADMK candidate all the way to the last 10 mins and suddenly he scraped through ...The Home minister was home safe!...Who says secret ballot doesn't work?...
Pity, they could not serve Main shankar Aiyer too similarly...Probably he did not matter!
In the fracas for Minister seats ,the so-called poetess-daughter Kanimozhi silently dropped back, saying she will spend her balance 2 year Rajya sabha term ' honing her parliamentary skills'..Some sensible lady that!
But 'Madhurai veeran', Azhagiri had no such qualms..Hopefully he will not replicate the Madhurai's winning formula in the Capital..Don't know what that means?...Ask anyone in/ from Madhurai...
Mamata on the other hand with her unrestrained attacks , riding the anti incumbency wave, 'left' the Ruling party in WB far behind in the race for power and has resurfaced on the national arena as ebullient and as shrill as ever..She wanted Railways and nothing less...To victor go the spoils, they say...As long as she does not 'spoil' the existing healthier condition Railways find themselves in Post- Lalu era. Already indications are that she issued a populist statement saying she will issue Rs 15 and Rs 20 passes to people below Poverty line.. as if that 's what matters to the poor souls first!
But if they want to issue such passes in this densely populated nation, they will have to multiply the present Railways staff by 10 times at the least, says a very senior journalist on a Talk show...
As soon as DMK upped the ante and threw a king sized tantrum on Minister berths, Mamata too joined the rat-race and says 'why not me?'..Give me more, is the shameless cry from the ‘allies’...
Why talk more?
The Elections are over...We, the people have gotten back to our jobs and life and Politicians to theirs...No one has time for each other, at least for the next five years, hopefully...